Custom Accent Lighting
Mimic recessed can lighting by creating your own accent lighting. Choose which individual lights to turn on and which to leave off, giving your home that one-of-a-kind look with over 16 million colors and any hue of white
Create Custom Patterns
Create your own patterns with over 16 million colors and over 20 different movements and effects. Or choose one of over 100+ preset patterns that you can edit to make your own
Group lights together to create zones that give you the ability to turn on certain sections of lights or to have different patterns on different parts of your home at the same time (front versus back)
Long Lasting
The JellyFish Lighting System is a robust, outdoor rated LED lighting system. LED lights are know for their durability. The LED's are designed for years and years of use
Discreet from the Street
Permanently installed under your eaves in an aluminum track that is color matched to your house's soffit. A favorite of HOA's
Multiple Timers & Events
Schedule your lights to turn on nightly & weekly as well as calendar events for holidays and other special occasions
Proprietary Technology
The lighting system and mobile app are owned and maintained by JellyFish Lighting to ensure the highest quality and availability. Continual updates are released with new features based on customer requests
Bright & Energy Efficient
Each light has 3 diodes that combined use less that one watt of power each at the brightest white. Lights are dimmable for even more energy savings